Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Poster Presentations, Finals Week, & Course Evaluations

Excellent work this week on your poster presentations! You all did a great job. Today was our last class meeting before your final writing project is due. I suggest you take some time to review the final writing project assignment sheet and the final project grading rubric linked on the left hand side of the blog under "course documents." A few reminders: both your final writing project reflection (in hard copy form: typed and printed out, 12 point times new roman double spaced, approximately 8 pages) and your actual final writing project (in either hard copy or electronic copy depending upon your writing style) are due on Tuesday, April 26. Your final writing project is worth 100 points, and your final project reflection is worth 70 points. If you brought your final project planning outline to your conference and discussed it with me, you received full credit (30 points) for this part of your project.

During finals week, on Tuesday, April 26, we will meet in our classroom from 5:00-7:00 pm. Please be prepared to present your writing project (an informal 5 minute presentation/reading/tutorial). I will have my computer hooked up to the projector (for book review blogs and fan vids: feel free to email me links to these and I will sync your project up), or you are welcome to use the document camera (for teaching guides, verse novels/creative writing, and conference papers). I am happy to answer questions or meet with you for a conference anytime this week. If you would like to see me for an individual conference, please feel free to email me to set up a time that works for you. I will also hand back your graded poster presentation rubric when you turn in your final on Tuesday; I will include your poster grade and a course grade update. Please take a few minutes to complete your course evaluation today if you haven't already! I appreciate your feedback.

Excellent work this semester! It has been a pleasure working with you all.

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